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Best Weekend short reads of 2024

The Skincare Magazine Life & Health

Why Are Skincare Brands SO DETERMINED to Sell More Collagen Products in 2024

Jessica Lundgren. Skincare Writer. In New York 34 MINUTES AGO

As of 2024, collagen is a 5.1 BILLION DOLLAR industry, and it is estimated to reach $7.4B by 2030. It is the first product we see on the shelves when it comes to skincare. But does collagen actually help reduce wrinkles? Is it truly the secret to timeless beauty that is worth billions of dollars? Here’s what running my own beauty clinic for over 30 years has taught me…

The Big Cosmo loves pushing collagen products

Collagen is the #1 skincare solution that any woman who’s looking to reduce wrinkles first sees.

Just in the last year alone, women have spent over $5.1B on this “skincare centerpiece.” (1)

It’s been literally everywhere for decades now. And it isn’t going anywhere soon…

But if you’ve tried collagen creams, powders, or tablets in the past and still can’t seem to get rid of your crow’s feet, turkey neck, or frown lines, you are not alone.

Millions of women have fallen for this collagen scam before.

I’ve had patients who told me that they’ve spent literally hundreds on collagen supplements every month for an entire year without seeing any significant improvement whatsoever.

But how come a solution so popular and well-known amongst the industry leaders can at the same time be so unforgivably ineffective?

You see, collagen is the “main building block” of the skin. (2)

So, the idea behind collagen supplements is that it is possible to help reduce the signs of aging by supplying the body with enough of this building block so it can rejuvenate the skin’s structure.

And in theory, this should work just fine.

But the thing is, the traditional way of applying collagen that is recommended to women over 50 is completely flawed and it should be abandoned before it’s too late!

Does that mean expensive clinical appointments and invasive operations are the only way to reduce the signs of aging and attain visibly youthful skin?

No, you don’t have to make an expensive appointment to wipe 15 to 25 years off your skin.

Yes, you can wipe 15 to 25 years off your appearance at home, without using harsh chemicals.

And I will explain to you how that works in just a few seconds! But first, allow me to introduce myself…

Who Am I, Why Listen to What I Have to Say?

  • Dermatologist with over 30 years of experience.
  • Spent the last 20 years running my own clinic in Beverly Hills.
  • Specialized in helping women over 40 to look more youthful in a matter of days.
  • Currently leading a research team to discover more effective skincare ingredients.

I’m Dr Cathrine Carmen and I am here to help you look as young as you feel on the inside.

Aging doesn’t happen overnight – only wrinkles do.

It’s a slow process that starts at the core of your skin and slowly creeps up above the surface.

And if you know exactly how that process works, you may find that there is actually a way to slow it down, manipulate it, or to even reduce its signs.

Wouldn’t it be amazing to wipe 15 to 25 years off your skin?

In just a few seconds, will introduce you to a new approach to skincare.

No pills, injections, harsh chemicals or expensive appointments are required for this system.

All you need is to spend less than 20 seconds a day in front of the mirror. (mirror is optional)

Read this article carefully until the end and you’ll know exactly:

  • The reason why collagen supplements are so terribly ineffective at reducing wrinkles.
  • What the actual cause behind wrinkles is and the best way to turn the tables on aging.
  • Is it not possible to reduce signs of aging without invasive surgery or harsh chemicals?
  • What can women over 50 do to help wipe 15 to 25 years off their appearance at home?

So, if you are like most women and want to reduce the visible signs of aging using only the natural ingredients that you can find in your bathroom cabinet, you are in the right place!

And don’t worry, it works for all skin types and for women of all ages.

I’ve had patients who were in their 50s, 60s, 70s, and even 80s who followed this routine and found themselves looking more youthful and naturally beautiful than the 40-some year-olds.

And women in their 40s gave this skincare system a try and reexperienced what it was like to be in their prime years for a second time!

I had a patient once who broke down into tears telling me how she couldn’t go on her daily walks anymore because she felt too insecure about her aging skin.

It only took 3 days for this skincare system to help her regain confidence and enjoy taking her granddaughter to the park once again!

Another patient told me that she couldn’t stand seeing herself in the mirror and that it made her feel like she was “trapped in the body of an elderly stranger.” 

She abused this skincare system for 5 days until she finally looked the way she felt on the inside!

How the Traditional Way to Apply Collagen is Completely Flawed…

Collagen is often seen as the “holy grail of skincare.”

It’s often the first product you see on the shelves when you enter the skincare section.

And it’s the first answer you get after asking for advice on wrinkles and sagging skin.

But are collagen supplements really that effective?

First of all, it isn’t guaranteed that the collagen you use will improve your facial skin.

You see, collagen makes up about 30% of our dry body weight. 

And our facial skin is only a small portion of it.

Just think about it…

Collagen makes up about 6% of total muscle weight.

About 30 to 40% of our bones are composed of collagen.

That number goes up to 60 to 70% for our joint cartilages.

And finally, about 70 to 80% of all our skin, from head to toe, is made of collagen.

So, when we take collagen supplements, is there reason to assume it’ll improve our facial skin?

Why wouldn’t that collagen powder you took this morning partake in your joints instead?

I am not saying that taking digestible collagen supplements isn’t beneficial. That’s certainly not the case, especially considering how much of our body is composed of it.

What I am saying is that if your goal is to improve facial skin, smooth out wrinkles, and have a more lifted look, consuming digestible collagen is not the ideal way to achieve that.

But what about collagen serums? Certainly, it’d help if we applied it directly onto our facial skin, right? If you asked me this about a year ago, I’d answer yes without thinking twice about it.

But recently, I’ve learned something about collagen that led me to change my answer.

Today, I don’t immediately recommend collagen to my patients anymore.

And to understand why, we need to dive deeper into how wrinkles are formed in the first place…

What Really Causes Wrinkles and How to Avoid It…

Think of it like the “slinkies” we used to play with when we were kids.

You see, when they are pulled, these slinkies can stretch longer.

And once they’re released, they bounce right back to their original form.

But what would happen if you put too much force on these spring toys when you pull them?

That’s right, when they are overstretched, they can’t bounce back like they used to do so easily.

They lose their elasticity, and remain stretched out in full length.

In a similar way, when we are expressing our emotions and making facial gestures, our skin is also stretched by the contracting muscle tissues that are underneath them.

And our skin is usually strong enough to handle that and bounce back after we smile or frown.

However, this dynamic changes over time as age. 

As soon as we hit the age of 24, we start losing 1% of our collagen per year. (2)

So, by the time we are 40, our skin becomes too thin to handle stretching and starts to wear out.

It can’t bounce back to its original form and becomes wrinkly and folded instead.

Now think about the areas we often see wrinkles at: near the eyes, around the lips, and across the forehead… All the areas that we use to express emotions with.

It is very similar to exercising or lifting weights in the gym.

Our muscles get tired from hard work, and it’s worn out as a result.

So, using collagen supplements is like getting healthy nutrition to recover sore muscles.

When we do that for our muscles, our muscles do actually recover and get stronger.

So, how come our skin doesn’t rejuvenate when we take collagen supplements?

It is because, unlike going to the gym, we don’t give our skin a break. Our muscles recover from exercise after a combination of rest days and a healthy nutrient-rich diet.

But for our skin, we only take collagen supplements and that’s it. The muscles continue to contract and tire out the skin. And we never give it an opportunity to rejuvenate wrinkles and sagginess.

So, Here’s The RIGHT WAY to Apply Collagen for Anti-Aging…

You see, there is another anti-aging solution that is as popular as collagen if not more.

We hear it anywhere from news to celebrity gossip, but it isn’t as accessible as supplements.

It has a unique ability to temporarily freeze these contracting muscle tissues that are underneath our skin. And as a result, it targets the exact underlying cause behind wrinkles by finally providing the skin with the rest day that it so desperately needs.

In fact, a group of researchers once did a study to see just how effective this ingredient was.

They separated women over the age of 50 into two groups.

They gave one group this secret ingredient, while the other group a placebo.

And on top of that, neither of them knew what the research was even for – they didn’t know they were supposed to look for anti-aging effects!

But regardless, the group who got the ingredient itself still noticed the difference and reported that it helped them look more youthful than they did in the last 25 years! (3)

But that wasn’t enough for the researchers.

To make sure that these were real results and not just a visual error, they actually did an examination to see how much the surface of their skin changed…

And they concluded that the first group had seen a 50% reduction in wrinkle depth! (3)

They called this ingredient Botulinum toxin.

Today it is more commonly known as Botox.

It is another multi-billion-dollar industry that Big Cosmo is constantly advertising.

And clinics charge up to thousands just to give a simple injection.

But most women don’t prefer this option because:

  1. Injections are risky and invasive.
  2. It’s expensive and in the monopoly of clinics.
  3. It wears off quickly, so you have to keep coming back for more.

And that’s just terrible considering how effective botulinum toxin is at reducing wrinkles…

But did you know that you don’t need clinics to get Botox?

Or better yet, don’t even need to get injections at all?

Knowing that collagen and botulinum toxin is the winning combination to help reduce wrinkles and lift sagging skin up, I partnered up with an all-star team of researchers consisting of the top dermatologists, celebrity estheticians, famous beauty experts and leading skincare producers.

And we finally found a skincare system that women of all ages and all skin types can easily apply at home to help them look more youthful.

You see, Botulinum toxin, being the main active ingredient in Botox, was used to be thought impossible to get absorbed by the skin without injections.

But after our team of 9 world-renowned researchers tested over 117 unique ingredients from all across the globe, we’ve finally discovered an ingredient called Argireline.

As it turns out, when combined with botulinum toxin, this unique ingredient would not only help Botox to be absorbed easily by the skin, but it also allowed its effects to work 30% better and last 3 to 7 months longer than a Botox injection! (4)

This so-called “Baby Botox” formula can be applied directly to the skin without injections or any other risky and invasive delivery techniques.

All it takes is less than a minute of your time in front of the mirror, and you’ll see how quickly this serum takes effect once it’s fully absorbed by the skin!

And we didn’t stop there. We also added our hydrolyzed collagen into the mix.

Using this unique form of collagen that can be absorbed easily by the skin even when it’s relaxed, we are able to keep the skin muscles strong and rejuvenated!

It reaches all the way down to the stem cells of the skin. And it is these stem cells that use collagen to grow and reproduce to restore the skin’s core structure.

And studies show that this can lift sagging skin up by 20 to 30% in a couple of short weeks! (2)

This combination helps with both wrinkles and the sagging skin at the same time!

But there is more! In addition to the three main ingredients, we also added Vitamin C to help even out the dark spots, and hyaluronic acid to help keep the skin moisturized! (5) (6)

And thanks to Olavita, we are finally able to produce this all-in-one serum in larger quantities and share these incredible results with the rest of the world!

Check Current Availability »

An All-In-One Skincare Serum in Your Bathroom Cabinet. Only Takes 20 Seconds a Day to Apply!

Why pay thousands to a clinic when you can get the same benefits with lesser risk at home?

Unlike other skincare solutions, Olavita Botox Serum combines just the right natural ingredients and helps to target all three of the aging signs in a single bottle. You won’t miss a detail!

These all-star ingredients are the best at what they do. And they’ve been tested both separately and when combined together by third-party institutions.

And the results prove why this formula deserves all the attention that it received over the past year:

“This serum is MAGICAL! My skin looks younger than before… tight, firm, and with what can only be described as a youthful glow!

I love how it leaves my skin feeling more ‘awake’ if you know what I mean.

But mostly, I like the FAST RESULTS… it felt amazing to me to be able to see the difference that quickly after using. It evened my skin tone, lifted my sagging jowls, and repaired the spots.

I’m just surprised how well this serum works.”

Simply using Olavita may help:

  • Fade away wrinkles, lift sagging skin up,
  • Even out dark spots, moisturize dry skin,
  • And revitalize your natural beauty at home!

If you are looking for a simple and effective way to wipe 10 to 15 years off your appearance, click here to discover the recommended way of using this Botox Serum for optimal results.

Check Current Availability »

It takes less than 20 seconds of your time in front of the mirror.

Simply apply the serum on damp skin before the rest of your routine and see the results.

It only takes 3 to 5 days for most women to notice significant results. But keep in mind that the full effects may take up to a week or two to manifest.

And don’t worry, it was designed specifically for women over the age of 40 and with the most sensitive skin in mind. Perfect formula for all skin types!

But there is a speedbump I should warn you about!

Due to the delicate production process of this formula, at this stage, it is nearly impossible to produce this serum in larger quantities without compromising quality.

And because the Olavita team is dedicated to bringing high quality and lasting results, they are only able to produce and launch one batch at a time.

So, act fast while the stocks are still available.

“This serum has tightened the skin on my neck and reduced the thin lines around my lips and eyes.

I instantly feel tighter, lifted and plumper after using – and it has a cumulative effect.

After some use, the fine lines almost disappeared, and the larger ones are significantly softened. My skin looks and feels significantly younger like it did 10-15 years ago.

And the best part is, I experienced fast and long-lasting results. It did NOT take weeks or months to start seeing visible results.

I apply this serum on my face in the morning and before bed. My skin absorbs it quickly and feels SUPER hydrated.”

But don’t worry if you are still skeptical. 

Given the fact that people have a limited time to make up their mind about Olavita Botox Serum, they agreed that it’s only fair to offer a 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee for those who are still skeptical and have never tried their products before.

So, if you act quickly and later on feel disappointed for any reason at all, you can easily return it and get your money back – no questions asked!





LIMITED TIME READER-ONLY SPECIAL:  Ordering now makes you eligible for 50% OFF Botox Serum™. Only available here. Limited to first 200 customers only.




  • Wilma Becker

    Has anyone tried this yet?

    · Reply ·  4 · 39m

    • Maria Schmidt

      The best skin care serum I have ever tried. Amazing!

      · Reply ·  7 · 16m

  • Samantha Logan

    I bought the serum at full price and now there is 50% discount? That is not fair!

    · Reply ·  4 · 51m

  • Monica Smith

    How long does the shipping take?

    · Reply ·  1 · 1h

    • Ilse Bierhals

      Hey Monica, I received mine after a week.

      · Reply ·  2 · 24m

  • Steven Durenman

    My wife has been using this serun for a long time and she said that I, as a man, could also try it, we are aging, too. According to my wife, this botox alternative is a lifesaver!

    · Reply ·  6 · 1h

  • Emma Schulz

    Hey Christina, you need something like this instead of overpriced treatments

    · Reply ·  2 · 2h

    • Christina Miller

      Wow that's really crazy, I ordered two more right away

      · Reply ·  3 · 1h

  • Hank Schneider

    Have you bought one, how long does it take to get to you?

    · Reply ·  2 · 2h

    • Susan Brown

      For me, 7 working days.

      · Reply ·  5 · 2h

  • Gisella Neumann

    My granddaughter recommended this serum to me, she explicitly meant by Olavita. I am really amazed!

    · Reply ·  1 · 3h

  • Paula Rowen

    Wow, that looks great, has anyone tested this serum yet?

    · Reply ·  1 · 3h

    • Anna White

      It comes well packaged and I have been testing it for several weeks now, I can already see significant wrinkle reduction and my skin finally looks young again. I still cannot believe that there is actually a botox alternative that works

      · Reply ·  3 · 2h

  • Agnes Graeme

    I just ordered mine! I can't wait.

    · Reply ·  4 · 3h

  • Barbara Kruger

    I really want to test a bottle!

    · Reply ·  8 · 3h

  • Mia Krause

    Does anyone know how long shipping takes? I want to buy one for my friend.

    · Reply ·  1 · 4h

    • Laura Lehmann

      Hey Mia, mine arrived after about a week.

      · Reply ·  2 · 2h

    • Emma Shelby

      Your friend will love it! Perfect gift

      · Reply ·  2 · 1h

  • Harry Keegan

    My wife doesn't have Facebook, but she said that this is the best serum there is. I can confirm that after 4 weeks you can already see the first results!

    · Reply ·  3 · 4h

  • Laura Fuchs

    I absolutely love this botox serum!

    · Reply ·  3 · 4h

  • Anna Madison

    I was sceptical at first ... Bought a bottle and was pleasantly surprised. This is worth the money. I have used many things before but this botox serum has made my skin tighter than ever. Two of my colleagues bought it immediately and love it!

    · Reply ·  3 · 5h

  • Laura Lehmann

    I absolutely love the collagen mask, had to get one for my sister today too as she won't stop using mine!

    · Reply ·  2 · 5h

    • Hanna Lang

      OMG, I know, I was so glad they still had some today. I had to buy a bottle right away before it sold out again like last time.

      · Reply·  5 · 2h

  • Isabella Mayson

    Thanks, mine arrived today! I will test the serum tonight.

    · Reply ·  3 · 5h

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If you or any other person has a dermatological concern, you should consult with your health care provider or seek other professional medical treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something that have read on this page or in any linked materials. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or emergency services immediately.

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